Are you racist?
The University of Washington, University of Virginia, Harvard University, and Yale University think they've put together a test to help you figure that out.
Visit this link and click the "I wish to proceed" at the bottom. Select the "Race IAT" from the list, and run through the test.
(sorry my computer sucks, you're going to have to actually copy and paste this into your own url. I know, so time consuming)
I took the test. Apparently I have "a slight automatic preference for African American compared to European American."
Whatever that means. Who thinks these actually work? Clicking a key too slow reveals the truth about me! Who would've thought. I can honestly tell you I am not racist because of what I see on TV or in the media. I'm racist because of experience (just like girls are sexist because "all guys are jerks" and guys are because sexist because "all girls suck at driving" and all Irish people are stubborn because I've met two, and all white people are obese and rich because that's what's on TV, and all black people love fried chicken and watermelon because I don't know why)
racism/sexism = stereotyping with little actual knowledge = stupidity
I like this post but there is one stereotype that I must confirm. I spent two years living in Ireland, and I am pretty sure "all Irish people are stubborn" is actually quite true. I guess I am racist! Oh well as one of my good Irish friends used to say:"God love the Irish 'cause no one else will!"